3R center Rhein-Neckar:
Strengthen animal welfare, work out alternative methods and improve data quality
Welcome to the website of the 3R-Center Rhein-Neckar.
Our goal is to jointly advance the commitment in the Rhine-Neckar region for animal welfare in research based on the internationally recognized 3R principle (replace, reduce, refine - avoid, reduce, improve).
The participating partners of the center, the Central Institute for Mental Health (ZI), the University Medicine Mannheim and the University of Heidelberg are intensifying their networking through the center and together we want to further reduce the number of animal experiments and the stress on laboratory animals by optimizing methods and measurement procedures.

about 3r Rhein Neckar
In Baden-Wurttemberg and the Rhine-Neckar region, there are a large number of biomedical research institutions that also conduct animal experiments. The question of animal welfare is therefore of particular importance. With the 3R-Center Rhein-Neckar (funded by the Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wurttemberg) efforts are now being intensified to strengthen the internationally recognized 3R principle.