Information hubs
🔄 The QUEST toolbox
The BIH QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research aims to increase the value and impact of biomedical research by maximizing its quality, reproducibility, generalizability, and validity. Her toolbox focuses on the reproducibility of animal experiments. It contains helpful tools, programs and online platforms - non-commercial wherever possible - and is structured according to the stages in the life cycle of a research project: preparation, implementation and publication ( link ).
🔄 Understand animal experiments
Understanding Animal Experiments is an initiative of German science, coordinated by the Alliance of Science Organizations. It provides comprehensive, up-to-date and fact-based information about animal experimentation at publicly funded research institutions. The initiative gives insights into the need for responsible animal experimentation with the involvement of the 3Rs. It also promotes the dialogue between science and the public and offers download options and graphics such as brochures, flyers or statements ( link ).
🔄 3Rs- Reduction.co.uk
This website provides an interactive short course on experimental design for researchers working with laboratory animals. The goal is to reduce the number of animals used, improve the quality of science, and save time, money, and other scientific resources. Ethical review boards, IACUCs, and PhD advisors could ask scientists beginning work with animals to visit the site, review it in sequence, and certify (using the form provided) that they have done so before beginning their experiments ( link ).
ALTEX: Alternatives to Animal Experimentation is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal that discusses alternatives to animal experimentation and related bioethics issues and seeks to promote the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use in research. The website also offers a variety of useful 3R links ( link ).
🔄 NC3Rs resource hubs
NC3Rs is the UK's National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research. This comprehensive NC3Rs resource page includes several information hubs, such as e-learning resources, a rodent welfare hub, and an experimental design hub ( link ).
🔄 Norecopa
Norecopa is Norway's national platform for promoting the "3 Rs". Norecopa offers an international conference calendar and newsfeed and publishes an electronic newsletter 7-8 times a year. Norecopa published the PREPARE: Guide for planning animal research and experiments ( link ).
🔄 3R-SMART - alternative methods for animal experiments
3R-SMART (3R training platform for methodical approaches to reducing animal experiments) is a new training platform for methodical approaches to reducing animal experiments. The articles on this page are available in German and / or English. Most of these contributions are audio recordings of lectures with the corresponding presentations. The platform is a BMBF-funded project and is coordinated and developed by the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and the Philipps University of Marburg ( link ).