3r resources
3R Resources is intended to help researchers - especially young scientists - to find alternatives to animal experiments, to use fewer laboratory animals, to improve the well-being of these animals and thereby increase the quality of biomedical research.
Around 60 years ago, WMS Russell and RL Burch developed the 3R principle and presented it in their book "The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique". Since then, suggestions for additional Rs to complement the original 3R have emerged from many quarters.
The 3R-Resources of the 3R-Center Rhein-Neckar were establish together with our partner Charité3R (https://charite3r.charite.de/) and is structured on the basis of the 6R-model of the BIH QUEST Center (position paper Strech & Dirnagl, 2019), which adds robustness, registration and reporting to replacement, reduction and refinement.
The 3R Resources makes it easier to find relevant, high-quality information and facilitates the implementation of the 6Rs.
We look forward to your feedback and further suggestions to marcus.meinhardt@zi-mannheim.de.